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Thank you for your interest in the proposed development of the Mystic Oral School/Mystic Education Center. We were successful, along with other key stakeholders, in convincing the state and the town to cancel the purchase & sales and development contracts with Respler Homes, LLC. MOSA will continue to spread the word about the negative impacts that a mega-development would have on, not only the adjoining neighbors, but the Mystic area and the entirety of the Town of Groton. We need help to continue to promote understanding of what reasonable development of the property looks like and remain engaged in demanding the state and the town develop and 'host' a proper open and transparent request for proposal (RFP) process for the development of the Mystic Oral School property.


Despite the sense that a corner has been turned on the development of the Mystic Oral School property, as described in the 2023 UPDATES page, there is concern that Respler Homes, LLC has not entirely been removed from consideration. We continue to need the services of our attorney, Edward Moukawsher, to ensure our rights in this matter are protected. We will continue to need to keep an eye on the town and the state through freedom of information (FOI) submittals individually and through our attorney. We have paid the attorney retainer, but as the Mystic Oral School RFP process moves forward, we may need to additionally compensate the attorney for his time, as his work may become more detailed. 


We hope that you can help out with the attorney expenses and the recurring website fees. We have a special checking account to handle any money you can contribute. Please consider a contribution to help ensure we are heard. $25, $50, $100, $250. You know best what you would like to do to help. There is a PayPal button on this page for donations. If you prefer, you may send a check to:


Mystic Oral School Advocates c/o Penelope Miller, 56 Hancock DR, Mystic, CT 06355.


If there is any money remaining after we achieve our goals, it will be donated to a Groton based conservation or open space group.


Thank you for your support. We are stronger together – and the Town of Groton leadership has definitely heard us. We need to keep vigilant and visible to the town and state entities responsible for the reasonable development of the Mystic Oral School property. Please speak to your friends and neighbors and ask them to support reasonable development at the current zoning level of RU-80 at the Mystic Oral School/Mystic Education Center.


Mystic Oral School Advocates






Request For Donations
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